Books & Maps
Our extensive library of books and maps help guide outdoor enthusiasts of all levels on their adventures in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. We work with the best professional writers and draw upon the experience of our program staff and chapter leaders to provide the most reliable information on outdoor adventures and experiences. Our maps are based on our direct work with land managers and the collection of field data on trails, natural features, and points of interest.
Newest Publications
AMC offers a variety of maps in various formats, from waterproof, tear-resistant Tyvek to digitally via the Avenza Maps platform.
Manuscript Submissions and Permissions
Permissions, Rights, and Reproductions
If you are looking to reproduce copyrighted material that appears in an AMC Books publication (for personal or professional use), please contact us via email at AMCbooks@outdoors.org or by mail at AMC Books Editor, 10 City Square, Boston, MA 02129. Include details about the name of the original publication in which the material appears, the specific material to be used, and the way in which you would like to reproduce the material. Include your name, address, phone and fax numbers, and email address.
The photos and cover images that appear on this page are provided as a courtesy to media professionals. Use of these images requires photo credit, plus notification of use that includes the media outlet and photo selections to be used. Additional photos are available upon request.
Submitting a Manuscript
If you are interested in writing for AMC Books, send a query letter and the first three chapters of your manuscript to the publications department at AMCbooks@outdoors.org. You can also mail your materials and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to AMC Books Editor, Appalachian Mountain Club, 10 City Square, Boston, MA 02129.
Your query letter should explain the subject of your book and why it would be appropriate for AMC Books to publish. Include information about word count (our guidebooks are typically between 80,000 and 100,000 words) and any special art or graphic treatment that you envision.
Tell us how the book would be distinctive by comparing it to similar titles that are already on the market. Also explain the intended audience for your book and why you think your book would generate interest. Present some ideas of how you would help us market the book and reach readers.
Conclude with a summary of your relevant experience and credentials, including previously published writing on related topics. Allow us four weeks to respond to your query.
Book Updates
From time to time, information covered in our books may change in the field. For example, a trail may be relocated. Since a new edition of the book may not be immediately available, we’ve compiled a list of the latest updates here. If you find that a route described in one of our guides has changed or a description contains an error, please email AMCbooks@outdoors.org.